414 Phone Area Code

414 Phone Area Code

Fixed phone numbers in the United States, state Wisconsin (area code 414) are comprised of a single country code (+1), a 3 digit area code, a 3 digit local office code (or region code), and a. About area code 414: location, common spam callers, related area codes, and more. Includes 414 reverse phone lookup to identify spam callers. Discover everything about Wisconsin's 414 area code: phone number format, NPA-NXX data, time zone, and coverage areas. Essential info for calls to central Wisconsin.

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Fixed phone numbers in the United States, state Wisconsin (area code 414) are comprised of a single country code (+1), a 3 digit area code, a 3 digit local office code (or region code), and a. About area code 414: location, common spam callers, related area codes, and more. Includes 414 reverse phone lookup to identify spam callers. Discover everything about Wisconsin's 414 area code: phone number format, NPA-NXX data, time zone, and coverage areas. Essential info for calls to central Wisconsin.

Area Code 414 is located in Wisconsin. It covers 12 cities, including Milwaukee, Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, and Franklin. It also covers 2 counties, including. The 414 Area Code is located in the state of Wisconsin. Area Code 414 is one of the 269 three-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 5,079,612 unique phone numbers and.

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