585 Phone Area Code

585 Phone Area Code

Fixed phone numbers in the United States, state New York (area code 585) are comprised of a single country code (+1), a 3 digit area code, a 3 digit local office code (or region code), and a. Area Code 585 is located in New York. It covers 89 cities, including Buffalo, Rochester, Batavia, Olean, and Canandaigua. It also covers 12 counties, including Monroe. Area code 585 is located in NW New York and includes Rochester. View the 585 area code map, major cities, location, timezone and more on TeraCodes.com. 585 area code is the telephone area code of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for Rochester in Monroe county and other counties within Western New York. The area code was.

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Fixed phone numbers in the United States, state New York (area code 585) are comprised of a single country code (+1), a 3 digit area code, a 3 digit local office code (or region code), and a. Area Code 585 is located in New York. It covers 89 cities, including Buffalo, Rochester, Batavia, Olean, and Canandaigua. It also covers 12 counties, including Monroe. Area code 585 is located in NW New York and includes Rochester. View the 585 area code map, major cities, location, timezone and more on TeraCodes.com. 585 area code is the telephone area code of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for Rochester in Monroe county and other counties within Western New York. The area code was.

Area code 585 is a Western New York state area code that covers Rochester and its surrounding areas. Cities that use 585 area code and a coverage map included as well.

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