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City Government. The Burley City Hall is Located at 1401 Overland Avenue. It is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor Ormond is available by appointment or Monday. Find contact information for Animal Control. The Building Department is responsible for planning, zoning, building permits and inspections within the City of Burley. View contact information for. Burley is a city in Cassia and Minidoka counties in southern Idaho, United States. The population was 11,704 at the 2020 census, up from 10,345 in 2010. The city is the county seat of Cassia. Burley is a city in Cassia and Minidoka counties in southern Idaho, United States. The population was 11,704 at the 2020 census, up from 10,345 in 2010. The city is the county seat of Cassia.
Burley is a city located in Cassia County Idaho. Burley has a 2024 population of 12,275. It is also the county seat of Cassia County. Burley is currently growing at a rate of 1.06% annually and. The City Administrator and City Clerk provide financial support for all City Departments, City Council and external auditors. Composition. The Administration Department is composed of:.