Louisville Zip Code Map Ky

Louisville Zip Code Map Ky

Discover the most detailed Louisville zip code map to explore neighborhoods, boundaries, and key locations in the “Derby City”. The city has a population of 627,210, a median home value. Louisville Kentucky is covered by a total of 66 ZIP Codes. There are also 1 ZIP Codes that overlap Louisville but have a different postal city name. The ZIP Codes in Louisville. 66 rowsNeed the ZIP Code for Louisville, KY? Louisville has 68 ZIP Codes . To determine a specific one, enter an address. There are 66 total unique zip codes in Louisville, Kentucky. The area code (s) for Louisville is 502.

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Discover the most detailed Louisville zip code map to explore neighborhoods, boundaries, and key locations in the “Derby City”. The city has a population of 627,210, a median home value. Louisville Kentucky is covered by a total of 66 ZIP Codes. There are also 1 ZIP Codes that overlap Louisville but have a different postal city name. The ZIP Codes in Louisville. 66 rowsNeed the ZIP Code for Louisville, KY? Louisville has 68 ZIP Codes . To determine a specific one, enter an address. There are 66 total unique zip codes in Louisville, Kentucky. The area code (s) for Louisville is 502.

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