Table of contents
The current metro area population of Salt Lake City in 2025 is 1,226,000, a 0.99% increase from 2024. The metro area population of Salt Lake City in 2024 was 1,214,000, a 0.91% increase. Census data for Salt Lake City-Murray, UT Metro Area (pop. 1,267,864), including age, race, sex, income, poverty, marital status, education and more. Salt Lake City - Provo - Orem (Combined Statistical Area, Combined Metropolitan Areas, USA) with population statistics, charts, map and location. There are 933 metro areas in the United States. This section compares the Salt Lake City Area to the 50 most populous metro areas in the United States. The least populous.
Census data for Salt Lake City, UT Urban Area (pop. 1,169,033), including age, race, sex, income, poverty, marital status, education and more. The population of the census tracts in the Salt Lake City MSA by census years. In the map, click on an area for displaying detailed information of the corresponding feature. White Black/Afri… The Salt Lake City-Ogden metro area, including er, Davis and Salt Lake counties, had a population of 1.34 million in 2000. The Census Bureau has since added Tooele and Summit.