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22 ZIP Codes in Overland Park, KS of Johnson County, Area Code 913, maps, demographics, population, businesses, geography, home values.> Overland Park Kansas is covered by a total of 13 ZIP Codes. There are also 11 ZIP Codes that overlap Overland Park but have a different postal city name. The ZIP Codes in. 80 rowsBelow is a list of Overland Park KS zip codes. For your research we have also included Overland Park Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Johnson County FIPS Code. Each. Overland Park is the actual or alternate city name associated with 22 ZIP Codes by the US Postal Service. Select a particular Overland Park ZIP Code to view a more detailed map and the.
Discover the most detailed Overland Park zip code map to explore neighborhoods, boundaries, and key locations in the “OP”. The city has a population of 197,199, a median home value of. Overland Park, KS has 13 zip codes. See all zip codes in List View or use the map below to review. Overland Park has 22 zip codes which you can see in the following table. The location name Overland Park is listed as acceptable by the US Postal Service so it can be used in your. There are 13 total unique zip codes in Overland Park, Kansas. The area code (s) for Overland Park is 913.